Category Archives: animals as messengers

Scooter’s 5 Fox Synchro Clusters

 Cluster synchronicities can occur with just about anything – names, objects, words, symbols, music, animals – and are invariably intriguing. Then tend to cover a period of several hours or days and often repeat until we get the message. Our … Continue reading

Posted in animals, animals as messengers, clusters, synchronicity | 14 Comments

RIP, Tigerlily

In 1997, I headed to Miami for the weekend so that my friend Phyllis Vega and I could work on our book Power Tarot. Megan, who was eight at the time, went with me, and the plan was that she … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, synchronicity | 25 Comments

Nika & Noah, a Continuing Love Story

 Nearly two years ago, our daughter asked us if she could have a dog and we began our search at local animal rescue centers. Megan eventually adopted Nika when she was about eight weeks old and Noah, our golden retriever, … Continue reading

Posted in animals, animals as messengers, Nika, synchronicity | 14 Comments

Henri, the Existential Cat

He’s back! I have been wondering about Henri, perhaps because he so resembles our tuxedo cat, Whiskers, who passed in 2006, and Daz’s tuxedo cat, Sylvester, whose death launched his synchronistic quest.  It appears that Henri has come to the … Continue reading

Posted in animals, animals as messengers, cat, synchronicity | 6 Comments

The Tortoise Divorce

  In light of a turtle synchro we posted not too long ago,  this story about a “turtle divorce” seems eerily synchronistic. Bibi and Poldi, female and male respectively, have been together for about 115 years. For the last 36 … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, synchronicity, turtle | 10 Comments

The Crow Knew

  On Sunday, April 22, we made what was supposed to be a drive south that would take about three and a half hours. We were headed to Sugarloaf Key, to have lunch with my (Trish) agent, Al Zuckerman, who … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, crows, synchronicity | 8 Comments

Paranormal house flies?

For the last several days, our house was inundated by flies – common houseflies. They were clustered on the windows, dozens deep. They zipped around the kitchen with utter impunity, landed here, there, everywhere. Since we’ve had the air conditioning … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, animals as oracles, synchronicity | 15 Comments


  Animals as messengers, there have been a number of posts on this blog about that phenomenon. Here’s another one: +++ We’ve lived in our  house for nearly 12 years and until recently, have never seen a grasshopper. In fact, … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, grasshopper, synchronicity | 9 Comments

Weird or What?

Today, Rob and I took a break and went biking with the two dogs out at the Grassy Waters Wilderness Preserve, the place where he had a lost dog synchro. I hadn’t been there before and was eager to see … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, animals as messengers, synchronicity | 11 Comments

The Anteater and the Goat

Rob’s new meditation class started on January 10, the first of six. It’s held in a yoga studio, which is more conducive to meditation than the studio at our gym.  There were ten of us, a multi-cultural group, and the … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, synchronicity | 11 Comments