Category Archives: psychometry

The Psychometrist and the Holy Water

One of the unexpected perks of our daughter living in Orlando is that we usually end up detouring for a night in Cassadaga, a Spiritualist community half an hour north of Disney World. The last several times we’ve gone there, … Continue reading

Posted in psychometry, quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 15 Comments

Cassadaga, Again

Kathy’s Place Every place possesses a particular energy, a soul symmetry that speaks to us at some fundamental level. We love the spot, hate it, feel ambivalent toward it, or sense a kindred spirit.  For me, Cassadaga, Florida  has that … Continue reading

Posted in Cassadaga, psychometry, synchronicity | 43 Comments

Psychometry and Cassadaga

You enter a room and hand the person in front of you something that you wear or use, that has touched your skin. The longer the object has been in contact with your body, the stronger the vibe, the frequency, … Continue reading

Posted in Cassadaga, psychics, psychometry, synchronicity | 22 Comments

Visions of Time

I was re-writing a short section on our synchronicity book that deals with psychometry–psychic touch–when I remembered an old acquaintance from years ago who had a talent for reading objects. Noreen had once held my father’s watch, which I’d inherited … Continue reading

Posted in authors, psychics, psychometry | 10 Comments