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Stranger at the Bank


Today, I stopped by the bank we’ve used for more than 30 years with a question about a charge to our money market account. The woman I spoke with was probably in her mid to late forties, pleasant, personable. She was a new employee, I think, I’d never seen her there before.

We talked about interest rates – this money market paid 4% – and when I mentioned what another bank pays, she seemed surprised. “Interest rates are coming down. I think it’s because of the election. You know, the uncertainty.” And the expression on her face just then – anguish, fear – told me she was a Kamala supporter.

I didn’t verify that by asking, but so far I haven’t seen trump supporters express anguish or fear of any kind. They, like trump himself, figure he has it all wrapped up, legally or illegally, they don’t care as long as he wins.

“I wish it was all done,” I remarked.

“God, me  too.”

And then she refunded the charge to our money market account.

Before the election, I intend to return to the bank and ask her who she’s voting for – or voted for already – verifying it one way or another. I want to know if my reading of people is as flawed as my reading of trump’s astrology chart over the years.

I’ve spent a lot of time since 2015 staring at trump’s chart, running transits to it, progressions, solar returns, trying to determine what’s going to happen. But I can’t be objective about his chart or about him. I need to know if this is also true of my assessment of people I just meet.

My intuition screams at moments like this. But that doesn’t mean it’s correct. It’s just loud because it’s what I want – in this instance, a Harris/Walz win.

In one of my anti-trump posts, a man who was on our podcast whom I like, whose chart I did, whose artistic expressions awed me, said he was surprised that I didn’t recognize evil – i.e., the democrats, Harris/Walz. I replied that I could express the same surprise about him.


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Archetypal Trickster

This is an excerpt from our latest book Mind-Blowing Synchronicities

November 7, 2020

Election Day was probably much different back in the days when families gathered around the radio in the living room to hear the results. But in the second decade of the 21st century, it was a blow by blow visual count of a vote in this state or that or how one candidate was lunging ahead and another was lagging behind. And in 2020, it was also about the losers hurling accusations about election fraud months before the election took place.

So, in the election of 2020, the stakes were high. Under Trump, the country had been locked inside a blender jammed in fast forward. Norms were shattered, the president was a pathological liar and narcissist, and people became divided. In the midst of all this bedlam, Covid appeared.

“Oops,” it seemed to say. “You idiots always need an enemy to fight against and argue about. So now it’s me. Where’d I come from? Am I a Chinese plot? And yeah, what about the mask and vaccine issues? Some of you scream, ‘It’s my body!’ Or: ‘It’s a conspiracy to control and watch us!’ And you refused vaccines. And many of you died.”

In the midst of this chaotic tragedy – when Dr. Deborah Birx was the administration’s corona virus coordinator- Trump tried to act like an expert. If you saw this Covid briefing, it’s probably stuck in your head. “The disinfectant says it knocks it out in a minute,” Trump said. “And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?’

Trump’s orange head is turned to his right, addressing the man who had just spoken – Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS. Google the You Tube video. It’s jarring.

Birx sat at the edge of the stage during all this, one hand covering her face. If she had spoken out then, if she’d interrupted to correct Trump, to make it clear that no one should inject or ingest any kind of disinfectant, if she’d defied him right then, the pandemic in the U.S. might have turned out differently. And Birx would have been fired in an episode worthy of The Apprentice. Instead, she wrote a book about it that was published in 2022.

Confronted with a force more powerful than he was, Trump just spouted bullshit and promised that by April of 2020, Covid would be history. That didn’t happen.

Dr. Fauci, the White House chief medical advisor, was also at that briefing about disinfectants. He looked appalled and disgusted. He later came out and warned the public not to use disinfectants against Covid. He was the sane voice during the pandemic but was attacked repeatedly through Fox News and the right wing media. He and his family received death threats as did election workers and others after the January 6 insurrection.

This is how trump operates. He believes he’s smarter than the experts, still a handsome stud, and that he’s going to save the country from – well, all those immigrants. Never mind that his wife is an immigrant, that most of us in this country are immigrants or descended from immigrants. He also boasts about how rich he is- and never mind that he has declared bankruptcy numerous times. Just about everything that comes out of trump’s mouth is a lie. You get the idea here.

Trump is the archetypal trickster.



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Pluto Return & Election Prediction

Adrian Ross Duncan is a Danish astrologer who lives on an island in the Baltic Sea.

His books are Doing Time on Planet Earth and Astrology: Transformation and Empowerment. He has also developed several astrology apps. His website at AstroWow features provocative articles on current affairs.  He speaks regularly at congresses all over the world. Countries where he has spoken: France, Holland, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. He was last on our podcast in 2020.

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Unknown Country Podcast


We were guests on Whitley Strieber‘s Unknown Country podcast to talk about MInd-Blowing Synchronicities and had a great time!

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A Trickster/Global Synchro from Mind-Blowing Synchronicities

On Friday evening, November 25, 2016, Fidel Castro passed away at the age of 90. He ruled Cuba for 47 years, a despot who jailed and killed those who spoke out against him and kept this island nation isolated from the rest of the world. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans fled the island in 1959 and again during the Mariel boatlift in the early 1980s.

The U.S. embargo against Cuba has been in place since 1962 and crippled the Cuban economy. In spite of that, Cuba has free medical care and free education through college and beyond. Food is often scarce, though, and according to Cuban friends who still have family on the island, life is hard in ways that most Americans can’t even imagine.

Relations between the two countries began to thaw in December 2014, thanks in large part to the facilitation of Pope Francis and the Canadian government. In March 2016, President Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since 1928.

With the death of a controversial figure like Castro, we started looking for the global synchronicities. One happened on November 28, 2016. As Cuba entered its first day of nine of the mourning period for Castro and the day of his funeral, American Airlines left Miami on its first commercial flight to Cuba in 55 years. It touched down in Havana at 8:25 a.m., a preliminary step in the thawing of relations between the two countries.

After that, other American airlines prepared for commercial travel from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Orlando: Delta, Jet Blue, and Spirit Airlines, were among them. In many ways, this is a trickster synchro with a global twist: the Cuban dictator dies and the day of his funeral, the first commercial flight from the U.S. landed. One door shut, another opened.

But the open door didn’t last long. Trump’s stance on the thawing in U.S. Cuba relations was as one news site put it, “straight out of 1962.”

In February 2017, before Trump had the opportunity to ban American travel to the island again, Rob, Megan and I boarded a Jet Blue flight from Fort Lauderdale to Havana. There was something enormously exhilarating about it. You could feel it among the passengers, a kind of undercurrent of excitement and curiosity.

The plane landed 30 minutes later and the captain announced in both English and Spanish, “Welcome to Cuba.”

Applause and cheers erupted.

Castro probably turned in his grave.

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November 26th Synchro


This synchronicity is from Kim Kikuts, daughter of an extraordinary psychic, Renie Wiley, whom we write about in our most recent book, Mind-Blowing Synchronicities: the Latest Science, Stories, and Research. Renie died some years ago.

It’s a real pleasure to hear from Kim. Here’s her email:

Hi – Let me start by saying that I am still reading the book. At first I tried to think about moments in my life powerful as you described in the book. For the life of me I could not pinpoint any specific moment because most of my decisions that I have made in my life have been moments as “this is my sign.”

“So I happen to be on a Yoga retreat this weekend with theme “Spark your Soul”.  I went to Salt Lake City and just happen to go on a mountain hike in the morning and later in the evening I went to  a Salt room and Sound Bath. In yoga terms it is a medication and yoga (gentle movement) in approximately 5 inches of Himalayan Salt and Crystal bowls for a meditation.  Guess what the name of this company that provided this activity: “Synchronicities.”

Then driving home I remembered a powerful moment that I think you will appreciate. In 2018, I lost my brother to cancer. When at work in Jan 2019, my co worker came into my office and said, “Do you want to do a 200 hour yoga instructor class with me?” At first, I thought no. After a day or two something kept telling me I need to do this. So I did.

Three months into the class, the assignment was “What influences in your life have led you here?”  I was writing my answers down and it was like an AH HA moment.   Andy’s death was rather a slow, painful experience. They day he died I felt such a huge loss and the afternoon I realized he was dying was on November 26, 2018. At this time, my coworker disclosed to my yoga class her birthday was November 26th.   My reason for doing yoga was because of the loss, feeling alone and feeling my mother’s energy who was born Nov 26th.

Only then did I realize that both influences may have been double tagging me from above. Yoga has been a transformational experience in my life that I will be forever grateful to the forces above.

Love and light

I think this one qualifies as a mind-blower.


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A Pluto Synchronicity


Today, October 11, we talked with astrologer and author Adrian Ross Duncan on our podcast. The You Tube will go up before the end of October.

He was on our podcast in 2020, before the election, and predicted a Biden win. So naturally we had questions for him about this election. But I also had questions about Pluto’s transit into Aquarius, for the first time in 248 years.

Adrian talked about Pluto’s meaning in astrology – the underworld, underground, what isn’t seen – in other words, Pluto governs the deep stuff.

“Did Pluto’s demotion as a planet affect it in astrology?” Rob asked.

Well, my answer to that was that if astrologers ignore Pluto in reading a chart, they do so at their own peril and that of their client. But Adrian’s answer is the hallmark of an astrologer whose knowledge and expertise is the result of story, practice, and synchronicity.

He related the story of Natascha Maria Kampusch. On March 1998, when she was 10, Natascha was abducted add held in a secret cellar by her kidnapper for more than 8 years until she escaped on August 23, 2006.

So it was a Pluto experience – the abduction, how she was kept underground, the dark ugliness of the whole thing. Here’s the synchronicity. She escaped, broke that Pluto chain on the day before Pluto was demoted as a planet and relegated to one of dozens of known dwarf planets. This happened in Prague on August 24, 2006, with a vote form the International Astronomical Union. Upon her escape, her kidnapper, Wolfgang Přiklopil, “killed himself by stepping in front of train at a nearby station.” (Wikipedia).

Natascha went on to write a book – 3096 Days – that was published in 2010 and adapted into a film  in 2013.

Oh – and Adrian, who accurately predicted a Biden win in 2020 when we had him on our podcast – predicted a win for Harris/ Walz. His appearance  goes up on October 20 and the information he shares is fascinating!


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Jill Jackson: Mississippi Medium

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Jill Jackson is a spiritual teacher and psychic medium. She received the Psychic of the Year award for 2015 and 2016 from Best American Psychics and its 2014 Social Activism Award for her volunteer work with animals. Jill is the author of Manifesting Your Magic in the 5D – Going Beyond the Laws of Attraction. Her earlier book I thought had an eye-catching title:
Mississippi Medium: My Journey from Southern Baptist to Talking to the Dead. In her previous life – this time around – Jill was a certified public accountant in Los Angeles. Jill lives in Mississippi with her husband, D. Francis, a medium, and their five dogs. Jill and her husband lead spiritual retreats to vortex power spots worldwide.

And here’s the you tube

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We’ve written about this number in multiple posts. Just tap it into the search box and you’ll see what I mean. And it started with this book.

Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist, won a Nobel in 1945 for his exclusion principle. He was an early supporter of Jung’s theory on synchronicity and investigated the phenomenon as well. He had a rather striking experience with a set of numbers that lasted for most of his adult life.

Pauli was confounded by one of the unsolved mysteries of modern physics, the value of the fine structure constant, which involves the number 137. “The fine structure constant is one of those numbers at the very root of the universe and of all matter,” writes Arthur I Miller in Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. “If it were different, nothing would be as it is.” As Miller explains in his fascinating book, 137 is not only the “DNA of light” but also the “sum of the Hebrew letters of the word ‘Kabbalah.’ The fine structure constant turns out to be exquisitely tuned to allow life as we know it to exist on our planet.”

Heady stuff, even to non-scientists. 137 is a prime number—a number that can be divided by 1 and by itself. Or, put another way, a prime number is a positive integer that cannot equal the product of two smaller integers. The number became so puzzling to physicists that the famed Richard Feynman, who won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, said that physicists should put a sign in their offices to remind themselves of how much they don’t know. The sign would be simple: 137.

In 1934, Pauli began discussing his ideas publicly about 137 and Miller speculates that it might have been due to the effect of Jung’s analysis “opening his mind to mystical speculation.”

As physicist and author F. David Peats explained, “…while the other fundamental constants of nature are all immensely small or enormously large, this fine structure constant 1/137 turns out to be a human-sized number. This number…and its place in the scale of the universe particularly puzzled Pauli.”

In the last couple of days, this number has shown up four times – twice on my computer clock as I was trying to make a decision and another two times  on my car clock & then on my watch when I had made a decision. Those last 2 times felt like a confirmation.

For me, these numbers tend to surface when I feel like I’m approaching a crisis or already enmeshed in one and trying to find my way out. The type of crisis varies – emotional, creative, intellectual – right brain, left brain. But when I notice that 137 I instantly feel better.I have started thinking of it as a reconnection with the whole.



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