Judy and Hank, continued

Spirit communication is probably one of the most mysterious types of synchronicity. Skeptics, of course, would undoubtedly contend that it never happens because, as everyone knows, there’s no such thing as life after death. But for those of us who believe otherwise, who believe that our loved ones who have passed on do attempt to communicate with us, there are certain motifs that recur.

For Mike Perry, our synchro friend in the U.K. that motif is often a white feather. For Darren, our synchro friend down under,   that motif has been a combination of animals and music – and, occasionally, movies and writers. For Math, who comments frequently here, the spirit communications take many different forms. We included some of their stories in Synchronicity and the Other Side.  One story in that book is called Judy and Hank.

Judy is a friend of mine (Trish)  from college. She’s a professional photographer in Manhattan and for 35 years, she and Hank were partners. He died in 2009 and we’ve posted about her experiences with Hank communications several times on the blog –   here  and here.

Judy is one of these people who sends me holiday e-cards throughout the year. On July 4, she sent one celebrating Independence Day. In thanking her, I asked if Hank had been around. Her response, I think, suggests that Hank is rarely too far from Judy, that the communicition is ongoing, and that he makes his presence known through whatever tools are available to him.

From Judy:

You are so kind to ask me if I’ve heard from Hank.  This one is probably a stretch but maybe…

July 4 was his absolute favorite holiday.  He would go to West Virginia and get some huge fireworks to explode on the 4th. It was  always a good show…either at his best friends’ place in Connecticut or at his family estate in Middeltown.  His dad collected antique guns, never shot any of them except for a very small (tabletop size) cannon on July 4.  The thing would scare the pee out of anyone despite its size.

Anyway, yesterday I went to see my nephews’ new summer cottage on the water near Mystic, Connecticut.  It’s a very quiet little cove, lots of families. There was not a bit of noise all day except for the sound of a few kids playing. Incredibly peaceful.

We were sitting on the deck and I was telling the story of Hank’s teeny canon and the blast it made. No sooner did I get the words out than we heard a huge blast from the cottage next door !  I thought they’d  set off an M80. The ground hasn’t rocked like that since I heard that teeny cannon many years ago.

Pretty neat. Even if it wasn’t Hank, I suspect he had something to do with it!


In Western societies, we have been so inculcated to discount these kinds of experiences as valid and meaningful that we often ignore or dismiss what we intuitively know is significant.  We are taught to dismiss these intuitive resonances, to deny the validity of our own experiences and beliefs. But when something occurs that enables or forces us to overcome the consensus reality, to risk ridicule from the finger shaking majority who calls us delusional or schizoid or “highly imaginative,” then our entire landscape changes. We are suddenly alive and aware within a network of intimate connections that may resemble the branches of that ceiba tree in the photo, connections that that don’t recognize time or space or death as divisions.

So, Judy, I don’t think the cannon incident is a stretch at all. Hank was saying hi.



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7 Responses to Judy and Hank, continued

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Wonderful story! As a born medium, I discovered at a very early age that fragrances and odors are often a means used by visiting Spirits to announce their presence. For me, it’s especially definitive because I have no sense of physical smell. My olfactory nerves have been destroyed. So when I do smell something, there is no doubt that it’s a “psychic” smell. There have been occasions that a certain fragrance will overwhelm me…a fragrance that is so heavenly that it can’t be described. We don’t have it here in our dimension. I want to immerse myself in it. Once I had a client whose Spirit Visitor brought me the fragrance of gingerbread; I “saw” the older woman quite clearly, described her and her clothing to the client. She was stunned and thrilled. Her grandmother had recently passed, and had been famous for her special gingerbread!! There are just so very many ways that Spirits use to make us aware that they are with us, if we pay attention. It’s so comforting to know they are simply in another space, not really gone…..simply out of our physical perceptions unless they use something physical to grab our attention.

    Not too long ago I was drenched with the fragrance of gardenias, my favorite flower, and I greatly miss being able to smell them. But I was inundated by that fragrance which I always connected to my first love when I was a teen. I researched his name, found him on Intellius, contacted his family via snailmail, and discovered he had died two weeks before I rec’d the gardenia fragrance…..he had given me my first prom corsage, a beautiful gardenia….and he was letting me know he was on The Other Side but hovering nearby. A treasured moment.

  2. gypsy says:

    yes, like mike said, it’s so easy to write off/not recognize the contact, not trusting one’s own intuition/instincts – what opportunities are missed! great story – loved it –

  3. That’s a good story. It’s so easy to write off such incidents. I think it all depends on what the ‘receiver’ feels themselves by trusting their instincts. I personally would say it was a contact. And I see the cottage was at a place called Mystic!

  4. Darren B says:

    Funny that you should do a post about a tree,as I have just finished reading this book;
    and have just written a review at Amazon about it;

    ” Being a secular male Jew with a compelling interest in synchronicity myself,I found I could relate to this book on many levels.I first took serious notice of syncs in the early 90’s when burying my cat(Sylvester)in a state forest opposite a local Buddhist temple.I had the local radio station on and just as I was filling the grave with dirt,and on came Peter Gabriel’s song,”Digging in the Dirt”?!
    The funny thing about this book is that it centers around a Kabbalistic walk around Sylvester Park in Olympia,the home town of Andras Jones and his radio show “Radio8ball”,where songs are played at random to try for a synchronistic message in response to a listener’s question.
    He writes about his Hollywood acting career,home life,bar-tending,friendships and perceptions of moments of betrayal in his life,as well as other fascinating and candid comments on life…with liberal sprinklings of profanities,especially some imaginative takes on the C word.So be warned if this kind of language offends you.
    Being literally on the other side of the planet from this park,I couldn’t be any more further away from The Tree,but Andras makes me want to make the pilgrimage to see it one day for myself with his wonderful recounting of the walk. ”

    Andras Jones is a Hollywood actor (Nightmare on Elm Street:Part 4) who gave Drew Barrymore her first on screen kiss (according to this book). He is in negotiations to get “Radio8ball” put into a TV show format.

  5. Momwithwings says:

    Great story!

    Here is a little experience you all might enjoy.
    My mother in law passed on Feb 14 this year and joined her husband. They were from Italy and made their own wines in their basement, and had a lovely garden wit h fig, apple and pear trees. Recently we will be sitting in our family room and you will smell apples and pears. The smell will move. It will stay by one of us for a few minutes until we recognize it and then it will move to another person and then it will just be gone. The scent is so clearly that of freshly cut apples and pears!
    Our youngest daughter, who will be 20 in Oct., is moving into their house, which my in laws built, while she finishes college. I told her to not be surprised if she smells the fruit and of course she is comforted by it.
    Last week she was over at the house excited to find that they have a real working phonograph/radio console. She began to explore throughout the house. We haven’t done much with anything because it was just too overwhelming for everyone, but now my daughter is so excited to move in with them.
    Anyway, my mother in law had a habit of saving coins and you had to put 13 coins in the casket at funerals to help pay your way in to heaven.
    Days before her funeral both of my daughters kept finding pennies until they had 13!
    My youngest has had a tough time since their death and had been concerned if they would be happy if she moved into their house.
    My daughters are their only grandchildren so we kept assuring here they would be thrilled ( as we are).
    She got her answer while she was exploring the house, downstairs the basement is huge and has a full kitchen, living room, wine cellar with the old casks, a fireplace and a room for ironing. She felt drawn to the ironing room and there she found on top of a metal box, gleaming from the light filtering through the small window, a brand new shiny penny!!!
    I asked her ” So do you have any doubts now?” and she said “no!”
    She is currently on the search for old records!

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