Category Archives: writers

On the Road

 Whether we’re headed across town or across the world, travel removes us from normal routines and habitual thinking.  We’re open to new experiences, uncanny encounters, and all the high strangeness the universe can muster. Travel is the door that opens us … Continue reading

Posted in planes, travel, writers | 13 Comments

Does Death Come in Threes?

We’ve talked before on this blog about how death among celebrities and the famous seems to come in threes. So here are two deaths we read about today.   On Sunday, January 17, author Erich Segal, 72,  died at his home … Continue reading

Posted in death, erich segal, robert b parker, writers | 10 Comments

Time Travelers at the Scottish Festival

On January 16, we drove up to Orlando to attend the Scottish festival – a great outdoor event with bands playing bagpipes, men in kilts, and games dating back centuries. Various Scottish clans – like the MacGregors, the clan that … Continue reading

Posted in books, Scottish festival, time travelers, travel, writers | 21 Comments

Indiana Jones Synchronicity

 Dale Dassel and Dr. Jones The other day I was cleaning out a closet, which I usually do at this time of year, when I came across a box of bound galleys of Indiana Jones novels I wrote years ago. … Continue reading

Posted in Indiana Jones, writers | 14 Comments

Stephen King’s Dream

 We’ve posted a number of stories about dreams and synchronicity and about dream and the creative process. One of our favorites is from Stephen King’s book on writing, On the Craft, where a vivid dream provided the creative energy – … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, plots, writers | 16 Comments


Trish and I were in my office yesterday evening talking about some good news we’d heard about  Seven Secrets of Synchronicity. I looked over her shoulder at a bookshelf and focused on a novel that one of us had bought … Continue reading

Posted in books, coincidence, writers | 18 Comments

Waking Life As a Dream

  I’ve been reading Robert Moss’s superb book, The Three “Only” Things, Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence, and Imagination. It was recommended by someone in a comment and I apologize for not being able to remember who it was. … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, moss, travel, writers | 21 Comments

The Ladder Writing Dream

This synchronicity comes from Nancy Pickard. Shortly after we picked her up from the airport today (Dec 7), she related a dream she had. +++A writer friend in the dream burst into song. Her voice was beautiful. But when Nancy … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, writers | 8 Comments

Those Google Alerts

 Google Alerts are a venue for connecting people and ideas and often result in – look surprised! – synchronicity. Back in September, we posted a synchronicity called The Grasshopper  that happened to J.B. Priestley’s wife.Recently, thanks to a Google alert, … Continue reading

Posted in JB Priestley, writers | 9 Comments

Love, Mira

We’ve posted a number of stories involving synchronicity and creativity. The MO usually goes something like this: the individual is usually deeply immersed in a creative process of some kind and really plugs in to whatever he/she is doing. For … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, Mira Morales, Poe, Tango Key, titanic, writers | 19 Comments