Category Archives: animals as messengers

Grey Wolf in Delaware

    We’ve posted a number of stories about animals as synchronistic messengers. This one  appeared as a  comment under Mush Head and the Owl. It’s such a striking confluence of events that we decided to bring it forward as … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, wolf | 13 Comments

Mush Head and the Owl

Before Megan was born, Rob and I led tours for travel writers to the Amazon. The boat in the picture is from the movie Fitzcarraldo, and is the sister boat to the one on which we traveled from Leticia, Colombia … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, animals as messengers, owls | 40 Comments

Slick, the Opossum

At 12:22 AM on May 24, I was working on a post when I heard a noise at my window. I glanced to my left, and there, on the windowsill, was that little guy in the photo above. A baby … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, Uncategorized | 16 Comments

Animals as Creative Motifs

In both of our books on synchronicity, we’ve written about the connection between animals and synchronicity. In 7 Secrets, the focus was on animals as messengers that relay particular information about our personal lives or our global situation. In Synchronicity … Continue reading

Posted in animals, animals as messengers, creativity | 32 Comments

Dakota, the Malamute

We’ve posted quite a few synchros about animals as messengers and a number of stories about how our pets often stick around after they have passed on. The spirits of animals used a variety of methods to communicate with us. … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers | 7 Comments

Hawk in the Library of Congress

 Thanks to Rodney Small for bringing our attention to this one! We know that birds often act as messengers and have done a number of posts on various kinds of birds that performed that service. Now here’s an odd one. … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, hawks, library of congress | 19 Comments

The Vulture’s Message

We have a lot of vultures in South Florida. They cruise through the air like dark, slow-moving missiles, looking for road kill. In our area, they especially like the back roads that wend past sprawling equestrian estates and the canals.  … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, politics, vultures | 19 Comments

Animal Orphans

For us, the synchronistic message in this video is that there are still plenty of wonderful people in the world

Posted in animals as messengers | 5 Comments

The Orange Centipede

This is the first post we’ve done that involves an orange centipede as an animal messenger. Renee Prince sent it. We recently posted her synchro about a life-changing encounter with a dolphin. We aren’t sure what to make of this … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, centipede | 21 Comments

Message from a One-Legged Burrowing Owl

This evening (August 7), we’ve been preparing for our  interview with Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland Radio, which will be recorded on August 13. Since we’ll be interviewed separately, we’ve been trying to come up with different synchronicities for each of the … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, death, mothers, owls | 11 Comments