Category Archives: travel

A Travel Synchro

a storefront in Winslow, Arizona Lauren Raines is an artist who lives in Arizona and is now headed east for the summer. She’s documenting the trip on her blog, Threads of the Spiderwoman,   Since travel is conducive to synchronicity, Lauren … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, travel | 8 Comments

A Synchro Encounter on the Road

  Traveling is a great time to experience synchronicities. When you venture forth on a journey, a trek that takes you out of your normal routines and concerns, your consciousness has greater freedom to explore. Your comfort zones are gone, … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, travel | 8 Comments

Synchro Voices

One of the things we like about blogging on synchronicity is that our posts sometimes remind readers of some of their best synchros, and they relate them to us, either through e-mail or as a comment.  One recent day we … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, travel | 6 Comments

Before You Hit the Road

This story comes from our friend, Melissa. She used to live down the street from us and babysat Megan on a few occasions. She now lives in NY with her husband, Jon, and has been jotting down her synchros. This … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, travel | 9 Comments

The Ghost of the Royal Caribbean

This evening I went next door to ask our neighbors – the identical twins – if they could watch Noah and feed our cats for two nights while we’re out of town. I mentioned that we had gotten the cover … Continue reading

Posted in ghosts, spirit communication, travel | 43 Comments

Journey to Egypt

  Jane Clifford of Wales tells us that she’s headed to Egypt in late April, right after Mercury goes direct. Here’s how the trip materialized for her. It seems that it was triggered from the other side. +++ Why Egypt? … Continue reading

Posted in Egypt, travel | 29 Comments

Message from the Church Billboard

Picasso, certainly a trickster artist! This uplifting synchro comes from Thomas Nash, who contacted us because of the Dreamland interview. It smacks of a mischievous trickster story, but is also a result of Thomas’ search for a synchro. Intention? It … Continue reading

Posted in travel, Uncategorized | 12 Comments

The Nebraska Trip

This story comes from Lauren at Threads of the Spiderwoman. We read it on her blog and loved it. You’ll see! +++ I ran across this story in my files, and felt like sharing it. In 2005 I was driving … Continue reading

Posted in travel, Uncategorized | Tagged | 16 Comments


The first time we visited San Francisco, as a family, we didn’t make it to the Alcatraz tour. The line went on for several blocks and none of us had the patience to wait around. We had too many other … Continue reading

Posted in Alcatraz, reincarnation, travel | 18 Comments

Venice of the East

Healing Mudras, who lives in Bangkok, sent us this synchro and it’s a good one, a confirmation of some decisions she has made recently. +++ Bangkok is a city of canals. Most of them are not for navigation anymore. One … Continue reading

Posted in bangkok, travel | 12 Comments