Category Archives: travel

Small World Phenomenon

Here’s another one from Joyce Evans, a Milwaukee journalist, who submitted it about a week ago. While brainstorming for my novel, thoughts popped into my mind about my job-hopping days, and I was amazed about two of the experiences I … Continue reading

Posted in global, travel | 1 Comment

A travel synchronicity

Last month, we wrote about a woman in Rob’s yoga class who told him she was leaving South Florida for her home in a small town in Maine. The woman on the mat next to her looked up and said … Continue reading

Posted in north carolina, travel | 3 Comments

Maurey and Travel synchronicities

I was reading a few stories on the Facebook synchroncity page this evening when a travel-related one caught my attention. Two women from a small town in Michigan went to Europe one summer. They knew each other, but neither knew … Continue reading

Posted in Maurey, travel | 1 Comment

Chicago Breakfast Bum

Here’s another one from Max, a proverbial fountain of synchronicity. He also contributed Dominoes, The Little Prince and The Magic Teapots. The following story took place in January 2007, a few months after the teapot story, which all his fellow … Continue reading

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Allan and Alfred

Years ago, Rob and I ran across a book called Mysteries of the Unexplained. It has a section on synchronicities and that’s where this next story comes from. It’s similar to the synchronicity entitled Annette and the Sweatshirt in that … Continue reading

Posted in car accidents, travel | 2 Comments

Synchronistic Parts Department

Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, was barnstorming in the Midwest in 1966 with a rare biplane, a 1929 Detroit-Parks P-2A Speedster, only eight of which were ever built. In Palmyra, Wisconsin, Bach loaned the plane to a friend, … Continue reading

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Bermuda Triangle

Mysterious stories about the Bermuda Triangle abound, and many are speculation about what happened to ships and aircraft that vanished somewhere off the coast of Florida. But here’s one baffling Bermuda Triangle tale that is totally documented. First, probably the … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov, travel | Leave a comment

Annette and the Sweat Shirt

Clusters of synchronicities can involve just about anything – even a new sweatshirt, as in the following story. Ten years ago, our neighbor, Annette, was on her way home from the hospital, where her father had just undergone an amputation … Continue reading

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Island Bikes

When we were staying on Sugarloaf Key recently, one of our visitors from the far north (Minneapolis) road a bike around the island that we found in a storage room at the house. The bike was in good condition and … Continue reading

Posted in objects, places, travel | Leave a comment


Here’s a story from 1988 that has always fascinated me. Trish and I traveled to Venezuela, where she was born and raised, and visited the Gran Sabana, one of the most fascinating wilderness regions of the planet. I remember carrying … Continue reading

Posted in books, travel, writers | 2 Comments