Category Archives: movies

The Shift is about to Hit the Fan

DJan posted about this movie the other day on our blog – and on her own. The trailer is breathtaking. It’s not available yet as a DVD, but it’s on our Netflix list. Thanks for the tip, DJan   … Continue reading

Posted in movies, quantum physics, Uncategorized | 30 Comments

Mercury Retro and Source Code

This Merc retro story smacks of the trickster.  I’m beginning to think that maybe a lot of the snafus what we experience during these periods are really more about the trickster than anything else.  The trickster, after all, is sometimes … Continue reading

Posted in movies, quantum physics | 27 Comments

Another Earth

This movie, which just won at Sundance, sounds like it goes hand-in-hand with Brian Greene’s new book, The Hidden Reality. A second earth. Parallel lives. Take a look at the trailer, then check out the link for more extensive information … Continue reading

Posted in another earth, movies, parallel lives, sundance | 5 Comments

Christmas Shoes: A Song Synchro

It was cold here last night (the 15th), at least for South Florida. Our neighbors brought out their fire pit, which was loaded up with woods and logs, and suddenly it turned into an impromptu party. We had marshmallows that … Continue reading

Posted in movies, music, songs | 18 Comments


The opening to this movie is stunning. A French broadcaster/journalist – played by Cecil de France –  is vacationing in Indonesia with her producer, who is also her lover. She leaves him in the hotel and wanders out to  the … Continue reading

Posted in hereafter, life after death, movies | 24 Comments


The trailer for Clint Eastwood’s new movie, Hereafter, makes this one a must see for us! Interestingly, here’s another trailer that relates to a paradigm shift.

Posted in afterlife, eastwood, movies | 13 Comments

Corey & the Trickster

Another actor has died and once again we’ve found a synchronicity related to his recent acting career. Previously, we’ve written about the deaths of David Carradine and Keith Ledger, Bruce and Brandon Lee, and the synchronicities related to them. Now … Continue reading

Posted in lost boys, movies | 3 Comments

Man from Earth

The other night, we were looking for a movie to stream from Netflix and selected Man From Earth. It’s a 2007 film written by Jerome Bixby, who has written for Star Trek and Twilight Zone. In a nutshell, the story … Continue reading

Posted in movies | 9 Comments

Avatar, Optical Illusions, and Doggie Synchronicities

We went to see Avatar today (January 9) in 3D. It’s a classic hero epic, but rendered in such dazzling colors and spectacular three dimensional effects that it bombards the senses. At some points, you’re so inside the movie that … Continue reading

Posted in movies, noah, optical illusions | 17 Comments

The Fitzcarraldo

In the late 1980s, we led tours for travel writers to the Peruvian Amazon and took  several trips up the river from Leticia, Columbia to Iquitos, Peru. The Rio Amazona was no QEII. However, as a former rubber-hauling vessel that … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, fitzcarraldo, movies, travel | 14 Comments