Category Archives: writers

Puzzling Dean Koontz Quote

Every so often, friends who know about our interest in synchronicity send quotes or stories from other sources about the topic. Chip Carson, a reverend in Atlanta, Georgia, sent us this quote referencing synchronicity from a novel by Dean Koontz: … Continue reading

Posted in Dean Koontz, quotes, writers | 20 Comments

Just When You Need It

This story needs a little background. During the mid-1980s, Rob and I led trips to the Peruvian Amazon for travel writers. One of the writers who joined us for the 350 mile trip from Leticia, Colombia to Iquitos, Peru, was … Continue reading

Posted in law of attraction, writers | 9 Comments

Will It Come in Threes Again?

Ted Kennedy died yesterday, August 25, and when we read about it this morning, we wondered if there would be two more. Less than 24 hours later, writer Dominic Dunne passed away at the age of 83. On November 22, … Continue reading

Posted in avoiding death, celebrities, politicians, writers | 20 Comments

The Girl from Petrovka

This is one that we’ve known about since before starting the blog, but somehow we forgot to post it. It’s a good one…and even comes with a celebrity.***When Anthony Hopkins was researching his part for the film of George Feifer’s … Continue reading

Posted in actors, Anthony Hopkins, books, movies, writers | 8 Comments

Poe and the Cannibals

We thought we had posted this synchronicity, but apparently only put it in the book. It’s one of the most famous and involves everyone’s favorite weird guy, Edgar Allan Poe. It’s a great example of a synchronicity manifested through creativity.***In … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, poets, precognition, writers | 25 Comments

Mark Twain

In the late 1850s, Mark Twain and his brother, Henry, worked on the Mississippi riverboats that moved between St. Louis and New Orleans. One night while staying at their sister’s place in St. Louis, Twain dreamed of his brother’s corpse … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, precognition, writers | 12 Comments


Years ago, an editor asked me if I would be interested in completing a novel for an author who had died. He was forty and passed on very suddenly of a heart attack. He’d written four chapters and left behind … Continue reading

Posted in c6, creativity, ghostwriting, trickster, writers | 9 Comments

Book sale synchronicity

Here’s an interesting and somewhat humorous synchronicity related to the sale of our book proposal on synchronicity. Last week, an editor who heard that we had an offer decided to immediately pitch the book to the sales staff. She was … Continue reading

Posted in books, publishing, writers | 8 Comments

Old Friends

In 2007, my friend Carol Bowman – author and researcher into past lives – received a call from a woman who was interested in bringing Carol’s story/books to television. Carol, whose journey is illustrated in her two books – Children’s … Continue reading

Posted in friendships, reincarnation, relationships, Seth, simpsons, tarot, TV, writers | 9 Comments

Indiana Jones and the Last Synchronicity

Some of you might know that back in the early ’90s I wrote seven Indiana Jones novels, starting with The Last Crusade, then backtracking to the 1920s when Indy was just starting his career as an archaeologist. A few years … Continue reading

Posted in books, Indiana Jones, writers | 39 Comments