Category Archives: I Ching

Synchronicity and the I Ching

When I was 17, I discovered astrology. When I was 18, I discovered the I Ching. Both of these divination systems are symbolic, require interpretation, and provide a wealth of information about you and your life.  Carl Jung, who coined … Continue reading

Posted in I Ching, synchronicity | 8 Comments

Hurricane Irene and the I Ching

  As of tonight, Sunday evening, Tropical Storm Irene is expected to become a hurricane by Monday morning.  South Florida is not only within the cone of error, but the present track has the storm crossing into South Florida as … Continue reading

Posted in hurricanes, I Ching, synchronicity | 33 Comments

The Tiger Synchro

I’ve been using the I Ching for a great many years. But even so, all too often I seem to get answers that are so obscure  I end up putting the book away. But recently, our friend, Nancy Pickard, who … Continue reading

Posted in I Ching | 14 Comments

The I Ching and Contact

In one of the comments the other day, Sansego mentioned that V was back on TV and he wondered if we were being prepared for contact. Then there are the rumors that Obama may be preparing to announce that ETs … Continue reading

Posted in ETs, I Ching, spirit contact | 23 Comments

I Ching Record Book

That’s the title of a new book, written by Adele Aldridge, who has provided a number of fascinating synchronicities for this blog as well as a couple that appeared in 7 Secrets. Interestingly, the sub-title of the I Ching Record … Continue reading

Posted in divination systems, I Ching | 6 Comments

The I Ching’s Take on the Gulf Debacle

Carl Jung wrote the introduction to the Richard Wilhelm edition of the I Ching in 1949. It was where he first addressed the concept of synchronicity. The hexagram, the basis of the I Ching, is – according to Jung – … Continue reading

Posted in divination, gulf, I Ching | 17 Comments

Deadly Subject

Hexagram 42 Some of you have noted that we’ve had a lot of synchronicities here related to death. It’s a subject many of us find uncomfortable. Adele Aldridge is one of those persons, and so she has asked the I … Continue reading

Posted in death, divination, I Ching | 4 Comments

Hexagram 39

Rob, now on crutches and in a cast, asked the I Ching about the meaning of his broken foot. He received Hexagram 57, Proceeding Humbly, with two changing lines that resulted in a second Hexagram – 39, Obstruction. The Wilhelm … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, divination, foot, I Ching | 10 Comments

Fox I Ching synchronicity

Here’s a foxy tale from Adele Aldridge.***Three months ago I made a difficult move from one state to another and am just getting settled. Recently an opportunity presented itself to move again into a larger apartment. I need more space … Continue reading

Posted in animals, fox, I Ching | 6 Comments

Hexagram 51

For anyone familiar with the I Ching, the hexagrams you throw are sometimes eerily literal. Such was the case for Kysha Jackson, a sales rep who lives in West LA. On May 15,Kysha was using an online site for the … Continue reading

Posted in divination, earthquakes, hex51, I Ching | 4 Comments