Category Archives: oil spill

Gulf Mess Update

Michio Kaku is a physicist specializing in string theory, a bestselling author who has written some of our favorite books on quantum physics (Physics of the Impossible), host of SciFi Science on the Science channel, and a professor of physics … Continue reading

Posted in michio kaku, oil spill | 12 Comments

The Tarot Speaks

Technically, this post is synchronicity because Jung considered divination to fall under it. I don’t know if he was thinking specifically about the tarot when he made that decision, but since he wrote the intro to Wilhelm’s edition to the … Continue reading

Posted in divination, oil spill, tarot | 28 Comments

Death of the Gulf?

The geyser of oil gushing from 5,000 feet beneath the gulf appears to be getting worse by the day. According to an article in the Times Online UK, there’s far more oil spewing into the gulf than BP has admitted. … Continue reading

Posted in oil spill | 40 Comments

A Simple Remedy for the Oil Spill?

Thanks to Musing Egret for alerting us to this youtube video.  She got it from here. As she said, have the BP execs seen this?

Posted in oil spill, remedy | 17 Comments

The Trickster and the Oil Rig

The trickster is a classic Jungian archetype, embodied in characters like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. A trickster synchronicity usually reveals itself with a twisted humor or a wry irony that makes you feel like you’re the brunt of … Continue reading

Posted in gulf, oil spill, trickster | 16 Comments

UPDATE: Oil Spill and the Loop Current

  These images are from ABC, illustrating how the oil spill metastasized in just three days. The CEO of British Petroleum has said that stopping the leak is “like performing open heart surgery at 5,000 feet.” Fishing has been banned … Continue reading

Posted in oil spill, Seth | 18 Comments

Oil Spill

aerial view of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico +++When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective – as people of the same country, continent, world. The oil spill in … Continue reading

Posted in BP, global, oil spill | 25 Comments