Category Archives: law of attraction

The Fire

During the holidays last year, we bought a fire pit at Home Depot that was on sale – half price, $45. It was a perfect fit for an area in the front of our house, a small sheltered three-sided courtyard … Continue reading

Posted in law of attraction, synchronicity | 10 Comments

Like attracts Like

  Yes, like attracts like, even when you don’t like it. Case in point, two Muslim religious leaders en route to a conference in Charlotte, N.C. on Islamophobia are removed from the airplane by the pilot. No doubt the religious … Continue reading

Posted in discrimination, law of attraction | 7 Comments

Bizarre Synchro

Gypsy woman alerted us to this synchro. I’m not sure where this falls – global synchronicities? Law of attraction? Bizarro world? The headlines of the story pretty much sum it up: 36 dead after bus collides with vehicle carrying mourners … Continue reading

Posted in buses, death, law of attraction | 18 Comments

Artifacts stolen at artifact theft show

We’re not sure this is a synchronicity, but it certainly sound like the law of attraction – like attracts like. It’s a bit outdated, but still meaningful – in a strange way. Organizers of an exhibition called ‘Antiquities Theft in … Continue reading

Posted in law of attraction | 5 Comments

Synchro Bucks!

Here’s a neat synchro from a neighbor,who has a son in college.It was a Saturday morning and he was driving to the bank with a $25 check to deposit into his son’s account. The check had been a b-day gift … Continue reading

Posted in law of attraction, money, synchors | 12 Comments

The Universe Delivers

We’ve posted several of Judi Hertling’s synchronicities. They usually involve her request to the universe for something specific. Her most recent story is here. What’s particularly intriguing about this story is that it shows how Judi harnesses synchronicity and is … Continue reading

Posted in health, law of attraction, visualization | 11 Comments

You Get What You Concentrate on

These two photos were taken with Gypsy’s cell phone. The scene here is the apprehension of a bank robber. Even more interesting than the fact that the bad guy was caught is how Gypsy came to be in this particular … Continue reading

Posted in bank robber, law of attraction, local travel | 26 Comments

The Wind Was Our Compass

On our first day in Aruba, we arrived late at our cottage at the edge of a desert that two years ago was  designated as a national park. Since it’s a new park, there are no official entrances, no park … Continue reading

Posted in aruba, desert spirits, law of attraction | 14 Comments

The Heat Is On

Natalie lives in Australia, where it’s now winter. As anyone who follows her blog knows, she’s got her hands full with five kids and a new job as a psychic reader. Her synchronicity really drives home the point that’s the … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, law of attraction, local travel, travel | 9 Comments

What We Attract

This story is about what we attract. We’ve posted some synchronicities in this vein before, but this one illustrates just how immediate manifestations can be. It comes from Gypsy, who is very likely one of those individuals I think of … Continue reading

Posted in law of attraction | 17 Comments