Category Archives: UFOs

High Strangeness

High strangeness: any event or experience related to UFOs that is above and beyond the usual strangeness associated with the phenomenon. It is frequently associated with synchronicity. Since July, we’ve been getting some of our out of print books into … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, UFOs | 6 Comments

Quebec, P.S…Spying on the Spies

One of the advantages of the blogging is that there are several means of observing who is coming onto your blog. One in particular, Statcounter, is free and pulls up quite a bit of info on who’s coming on, where … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, UFOs | 22 Comments

The Quebec UFO encounter – part 2

Photo/illustration copyright by Jean Lavergne This is part 2 of the Quebec encounter.  We received comments, e-mails and Facebook messages telling us not to wait with the story, so we decided to put it up today. Now we get right into … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity, UFOs | 31 Comments

The Quebec UFO encounter

This is the first of several posts related to a dramatic UFO encounter that occurred one year ago. It was experienced by a French-Canadian couple who live in a rural area of Quebec. The incident has had psychic reverberations, including … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity, UFOs | 13 Comments

Solving the Communion Enigma

In 1987, I was in a Little Professor bookstore, I think it was, in a mall in Fort Lauderdale, and saw a display of books with a compelling cover: that of an alien, a grey. The title? Communion, by Whitley … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, UFOs, whitley strieber | 22 Comments

Carl Sagan, ETs, and Crop Circles

An article in The Canadian, begins with this intriguing premise: “Did Scientists in 2001 translate an Extraterrestrial message implicitly designed to warn humanity about the ‘9/11 deception’?” Read the article by clicking above and then watch the video. Very interesting … Continue reading

Posted in crop circles, synchronicity, UFOs | 7 Comments

UFO Over the Nazca Lines

This video is intriguing and apparently hasn’t ever been debunked. What’s interesting about this cloud…is that rain falls over this area for only 20 MINUTES A YEAR!  

Posted in synchronicity, UFOs | 7 Comments

NASA Admits…

NASA admits they don’t know what these “things” are. But it’s interesting that they admit there are “things” out there!                  

Posted in NASA, synchronicity, UFOs | 3 Comments


If this footage is genuine, it’s mind-blowing.    

Posted in UFOs | 9 Comments

Two Odd Videos

The first video went up originally in 2008, but according to Strieber’s site, has been removed and put back up again several times. The interesting footage is around 1:26 the way in and again at 4:25.  It looks like some … Continue reading

Posted in UFOs | 44 Comments