Category Archives: yoga

A Couple of Synchros

Katniss from Catching Fire, the movie Sometimes synchronicities can serve as reminders, or as clues to future events. Here are two that do just that. I think these incidents are commonplace, but we often overlook them. One recent morning I … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, yoga | 17 Comments

More Travel Synchros

Traveling, as we’ve often said, seems to attract synchros, and our recent trip to Costa Rica was no exception. One that startled and surprised us took place in Santa Elena, a small village in the Monte Verde cloud forest. Trish … Continue reading

Posted in Costa Rica, esperanza, yoga | 25 Comments

The Owl, the Yoga Studio, and Techie Tools

 Type in anything in Google, a word or phrase, a question, a random thought, and somewhere in the virtual universe,  Google will come up with something relevant. Sometimes, Google leads searchers right to this blog. The terms that people use … Continue reading

Posted in google, owls, yoga | 28 Comments

The Magic of 108

September is Yoga Month and later this month, on the fall equinox, yogis around the world with celebrate by doing 108 sun salutations. Known in Sanskrit as surya namaskar, the sun salutation is an energetic flowing series of yoga postures. … Continue reading

Posted in 108, Numbers, yoga | 11 Comments

Good Lord!

Rob is teaching a six-week meditation course that began June 21. His background in meditation is through yoga and a bit of Zen practice. He wasn’t very familiar with Christian concepts of meditation, except for discouraging comments about Eastern meditation … Continue reading

Posted in christianity, yoga | 16 Comments


Here are several short synchronicities that serendipitously came together about the same time. We’ll start with a couple related to the number 11.  +++There are days when even the synchronicities seem to be working against you, it seems, possibly nudging … Continue reading

Posted in 11, local travel, short synchros, yoga | 14 Comments

God must be crazy

We were at the dog park when it happened. When you have something in common with people, in this case dogs, strangers are usually quite willing to strike up a conversation. We had walked over to a bench in a … Continue reading

Posted in bible, conservatives, dogs, yoga | 31 Comments

Dr. Rob or Karma Yoga-2

Recently, a yoga teacher from another country  e-mailed, saying she would be in town over the holidays and wondered if I still drove to Boca Raton for a particular yoga class and teacher. When Trish saw the e-mail, she was … Continue reading

Posted in slogans, yoga | 9 Comments

Karma Yoga

  The term karma yoga typically refers to acts of service to others. I recall one of my first yoga teachers talking about karma yoga after class on days when he was looking for volunteers to stuff envelopes or do … Continue reading

Posted in karma, yoga | 9 Comments

Ecstatic Postures

About ten years ago, I came across a book called Ecstatic Body Postures, by Belinda Gore. It’s about a method for achieving ecstatic trance and visionary experiences, and is based on the research of anthropologist Dr. Felecitas D. Goodman. Since … Continue reading

Posted in trance states, yoga | 11 Comments