Category Archives: death

Lady in the Mirror

Gypsy posted a remark under a story we had posted about orbs. It’s a good one and we didn’t want it to get lost in comments. +++ I must have been about 12 years old at the time and we … Continue reading

Posted in death, ghosts | 14 Comments

Until Death Do Us Part?

 Synchronicities tend to occur frequently during major transitions in our lives – a move, a marriage or divorce, the birth of a child, a career change, and death, the biggest transition of all. This next story comes from Joanna.  We … Continue reading

Posted in death, divorce, marriage | 8 Comments

Here I Am

This story comes from Gypsy. We’ve posted a number of her synchronicities, which are always richly textured and detailed.  This one is startling.+++ The MacGregors’ post on March 15 regarding “untimely” deaths finds me remembering even more than usual the very … Continue reading

Posted in crimes, death, gypsy, lightning | 10 Comments

At the Moment Of

We recently posted a story about Oscar the Cat, who lives in a nursing home in Rhode Island and seems to know which patients are about to die. Mike Perry   commented that his mother had spent her last years in … Continue reading

Posted in daughters, death, emotions, love, mothers, son in law | 16 Comments

Oscar the Cat

 AP Photo   We’ve posted several synchronicities that involve animals as oracles. But this next story is unique. It was written up in the New England Journal of Medicine and in a recently released book, Making Rounds with Oscar: the … Continue reading

Posted in animals as oracles, death | 15 Comments

Does Death Come in Threes?

We’ve talked before on this blog about how death among celebrities and the famous seems to come in threes. So here are two deaths we read about today.   On Sunday, January 17, author Erich Segal, 72,  died at his home … Continue reading

Posted in death, erich segal, robert b parker, writers | 10 Comments

Dad, Mom, and their connection

 (The image is from soul cards. Check out the site. The art and the technique are astonishing).  This synchronicity came from Sandie of Marietta, Georgia, who describes herself as a “hopeless romantic who tries to see the world through rose-colored … Continue reading

Posted in death, parents | 9 Comments

I’ll Wait for You

 Dali – Ascent into the Sky Synchronicities often occur during major transitions in our lives and one of those transitions is the ultimate journey we all take – death. You’ve heard the stories – clocks stop at the moment a … Continue reading

Posted in dad, death | 13 Comments

Rita and the Car

This painting, by Odilon Redon, is called Pandora’s Box. It fits this synchronicity. I discovered this artist through Gypsy’s blog, which is a visual feast. So one night I clicked on the artist’s name under one of her entries – … Continue reading

Posted in cars, death, objects | 11 Comments


Sometimes, synchronicities bring events full circle. Debra Page posted this on her blog and gave us permission to repost it.+++ In 1993, our second daughter, Laryssa, was born with a rare, spontaneous genetic mutation. (The probable cause of her condition … Continue reading

Posted in children, death, illness, numbers dates | 8 Comments