Category Archives: writers

Joseph Campbell and the Praying Mantis

Synchronicities often involve archetypes or archetypal situations that we all share – being picked on by the schoolyard bully in elementary school, loss of childhood innocence, the birth of a child, a wedding or divorce, the death of a parent. These … Continue reading

Posted in bushmen, Joseph Campbell, mythology, writers | 14 Comments

Time Catcher

Recently, I drove to Boca Raton, about 40 minutes away, with a friend to a yoga class that I take about twice a month. En route, I talked about my novel, Time Catcher, that has been circulating among publishers for … Continue reading

Posted in novels, time, writers | 11 Comments

Updated Signs

This post is an update to The Sign, that comes from Nevine. We talked about it- was it really a synchronicity since both people knew what the other liked in books? We decided it was a good example of the … Continue reading

Posted in books, dan brown, the lost symbol, the sign, writers | 23 Comments

Remembering Kate Duffy

Yesterday morning, I thought about my former fiction editor, Kate Duffy, and wondered how she was doing. I considered dropping her an email, but didn’t. Then this morning, I learned that Kate died yesterday. Not a welcome synchronicity. She was … Continue reading

Posted in books, editor, Kate Duffy, writers | 16 Comments

It’s a sign

A few days ago, we went into Barnes and Noble after eating dinner at a nearby restaurant. While Trish was looking at Dan Brown’s new novel, I picked up a novel under new releases, read the first couple pages, then … Continue reading

Posted in books, dan brown, synchronicity wine, writers | 17 Comments

Mercury Retrograde and Writers

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the winged messenger, the god of trade, commerce, profit. In Greek mythology, his counterpart is Hermes, messenger of the gods, the guy with the winged sandals who is associated with travel, orators, thieves, poets and … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, Mercury, retrogrades, St. Augustine, writers | 14 Comments

The Grasshopper

This story is another one of those quirky synchronicities we all recognize as odd, but it’s anyone’s guess what the deeper meaning is. Maybe it’s just to illustrate how like attracts like! It’s from Mysteries of the Unexplained, but a … Continue reading

Posted in grasshopper, Jacquette Hawkes, JB Priestley, law of attraction, writers | 13 Comments


Esperanza12″ Tall A while back, I went looking for a photo of a message in a bottle for the post by the same name. I came across a website that sells them and clicked on a pretty picture with a … Continue reading

Posted in books, creativity, writers, writing | 3 Comments

Tangled Web

Recently, I ordered a book on-line, actually one of my own novels, SPAWN, that was missing from my bookshelves. A couple of weeks passed and no book arrived. Then an e-mail came from the sender saying that the book was … Continue reading

Posted in mixup, Spawn, writers | 7 Comments

Written in the Wind

Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) was a renown 19th century astronomer who also had a deep interest in psychic phenomenon. In his book The Unknown, published in 1900, he recorded a personal experience with synchronicity – although he didn’t call it that. … Continue reading

Posted in astronomer, Flammarion, writers | 13 Comments