Category Archives: writers

World on Fire

Aztec greenstone mask of Quetzalcoatl We recently bought Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl. We both had read his previous book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. Rob read the 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in 911, c2, global, writers | 7 Comments

Synchronicity in Paris

Here’s another one from Mysteries of the Unknown. It involves a lost object, a writer, and Paris. A winning combination! Novelist Anne Parrish was born in 1888 and died in 1957. She spent her childhood in Colorado Springs and apparently … Continue reading

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Sharlie West is a writer who contributed an earlier synchronicity about her mother and her current partner, Mom’s Help, a March 6 post. She really gets right to the emotional heart. While reading a book on synchronicity, Synchronicity and You, … Continue reading

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Two Teacups

This story from Jim Banholzer originally appeared under the comment section about The Magic Teapots. But it’s such a powerful story, we decided to post it. Dissimilar teacups are a potent metaphor: Several weeks after piloting the atomic bomb that … Continue reading

Posted in bombs, global, peace, war, writers | 3 Comments

Synchronistic Parts Department

Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, was barnstorming in the Midwest in 1966 with a rare biplane, a 1929 Detroit-Parks P-2A Speedster, only eight of which were ever built. In Palmyra, Wisconsin, Bach loaned the plane to a friend, … Continue reading

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Seven Senses

In researching synchronicity, we’re using Google alerts, so several times a day, we receive a roundup of everything Google finds on synchronicity. Not long ago, one of the alerts led to a blog by writer Elizabeth Miles, where she records … Continue reading

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Kurt Vonnegut and Synchronicity

Levels of synchronicities are often apparent during emotionally charged experiences, evident in a story that Kurt Vonnegut related to writer Alan Vaughn, which he included in his book Patterns of Prophecy. Anyone who came of age during the 60s understands … Continue reading

Posted in vonnegut, writers | 1 Comment

Poetry in Motion

Here’s one from Joyce Evans, who long, long ago was my editor on a weekly newspaper.Rob On Labor Day weekend in 2001, I was browsing through the poetry section in Schwartz Bookstore and found three collections by a Milwaukee, Wis., … Continue reading

Posted in books, poets, writers | 4 Comments

Jacques Vallee

This one is from Jim Banholzer. Reading about your experience with the suspicious man in front of you, who revealed Trish’s novel was the only item in his suitcase, reminded me of Jeff Well’s Author- Author blogpost. Here’s the gist … Continue reading

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An intriguing insight: “I base my life on synchronicity. I get nervous when I don’t see synchronicity around me.” – Julian Winter, screenwriter

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