Category Archives: travel

The Ghost and the Straight Pins

        Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine, Fl  For Carl Jung, spirit contact fell under the larger umbrella of synchronicity. Jung had several experiences himself with spirits, which he recounts in his autobiography. I’ve always wondered, though, what he would … Continue reading

Posted in apports, clusters, spirit contact, St. Augustine, travel | 16 Comments

The Geography of Resilience

Travel, whether it’s far flung or local, is usually a fertile environment for synchronicity.  Sometimes the synchros are obvious. But other times you have to dig beneath the surface and view your environment with a new perspective, new eyes. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in aruba, creativity, resilience, travel | 10 Comments

The Sparrow Hawks of Aruba

Aruba’s desert is a desolate place, filled with all the stuff you expect to find in deserts – cactuses, arid land, mysterious culverts that hold water, plants that have adapted to the lack of water, and critters that call the … Continue reading

Posted in aruba, birds as messengers, hawks, travel | 11 Comments

Michael Crichton

These book jackets pretty much cover what Michael Crichton is known for – cutting edge, thriller fiction that takes us into what if land. What if some billionaire cloned dinosaurs and turned it into a theme park (Jurassic Park). What … Continue reading

Posted in crichton, travel | 29 Comments

The Heat Is On

Natalie lives in Australia, where it’s now winter. As anyone who follows her blog knows, she’s got her hands full with five kids and a new job as a psychic reader. Her synchronicity really drives home the point that’s the … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, law of attraction, local travel, travel | 9 Comments

Maui Bound: Message from the Universe

We discovered Nancy Atkinson’s blog, Lover of Life, shortly after we started our blog in 2009. We began to correspond and when we discovered we were going to be in Oregon at the same time last summer, we got together … Continue reading

Posted in hawaii, travel | 14 Comments

Oh, those 11s

                                         This Paul Klee painting has nothing to do with 11s. But                                                                                 I like the color. Last Friday, I was working on a section of our new proposal about travel synchronicities, and was writing  specifically about Hilary Carter’s … Continue reading

Posted in 11s, local travel, travel | 23 Comments

Woman in the Yellow Dress

Rhodes, Greece We love travel synchronicities. They’re always intriguing in one way or another and underscore the mysterious nature of the world/reality in which we live. Mike Perry’s blog on synchronicity often features a travel synchro. And, like Butternut Squash, … Continue reading

Posted in greece, mike perry, travel | 11 Comments

Gypsy’s Road Trip Synchros

                                           Painting by Paul Klee Travel synchronicities are always intriguing and can involve virtually any sort of meaningful coincidence. For Gypsy, whose synchros we’ve posted before, a recent trip east was jammed with synchronicities. She was kind enough to write … Continue reading

Posted in travel, word play | 10 Comments

The Dream of Lost Souls

photo by Jennifer Gerard I was poking around on Butternut Squash’s wonderful blog and came across this stunning story about a dream she had during one of her earlier trips to Asia. We’ve posted several of her synchronicities and all … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, ghosts, monks, Nepal, reincarnation, spirit contact, travel | 10 Comments