Category Archives: reincarnation

Telepathy & Past Lives

That title combines a couple of concepts that we don’t usually see together.  That’s because telepathy is usually something that takes place in the present and doesn’t involve other times. However, when I read a recent e-mail from Jane Clifford … Continue reading

Posted in reincarnation, synchronicity, telepathy | 4 Comments


from an exhibit at the Norton Museum +++ In the three or four years that Rob has been teaching meditation, the course has taken place at our gym or at a local yoga studio.  I attend most of these courses, … Continue reading

Posted in meditation, reincarnation, synchronicity | 7 Comments

Carol Bowman, Past Lives, and Synchronicity

  A note: we’ll be  here tonight live, from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern time. *** I have been fortunate in my life to connect with people who make a difference in the world. Author and past-life researcher Carol … Continue reading

Posted in Carol Bowman, reincarnation, synchronicity | 19 Comments

A Sunday Chuckle

Posted in reincarnation | 2 Comments

Library Angels

Last week, I received an email from Bernard Beitman, a visiting professor of psychiatry  at the University of Virginia who is writing a book on coincidences/synchronicities. He’s working on a  chapter on “idea coincidences.” Here’s what he wrote in his … Continue reading

Posted in life after death, reincarnation, synchronicity | 23 Comments

Tony and the Trickster, Revisited

  This story was originally posted back in 2009, when our blog barely a month old. It’s a wonderful example of the trickster and involved Trish’s father. At the time it occurred, in 2002, he was living in an assisted … Continue reading

Posted in reincarnation, synchronicity, trickster | 37 Comments


With this new book, we’ve divided the chapters according to our interests and expertise, and then trade chapters and edit and add to each other’s stuff. We haven’t reached the trade chapters segment of this process yet. Right now, I, … Continue reading

Posted in cats, reincarnation, spirit contact | 33 Comments


The first time we visited San Francisco, as a family, we didn’t make it to the Alcatraz tour. The line went on for several blocks and none of us had the patience to wait around. We had too many other … Continue reading

Posted in Alcatraz, reincarnation, travel | 18 Comments

The Dream of Lost Souls

photo by Jennifer Gerard I was poking around on Butternut Squash’s wonderful blog and came across this stunning story about a dream she had during one of her earlier trips to Asia. We’ve posted several of her synchronicities and all … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, ghosts, monks, Nepal, reincarnation, spirit contact, travel | 10 Comments

911 Premonitions

Vicki DeLaurentis sent us the following synchronicity, a story that illustrates how premonitions can occur years before the actual event. “I read one of your posts about child reincarnation (something I have personal experience with both of my daughters) and … Continue reading

Posted in 911, B2, Carol Bowman, premonitions, reincarnation | 16 Comments