Category Archives: Numbers


On bat night at Yankee Stadium last month, Yankee Brett Gardener swung at a pitch, and his bat slipped from his hands. It flew into the stands, and struck a boy named Jacob Smith. Bat night indeed. Smith is the … Continue reading

Posted in 11, celebrities, keith olbermann, Numbers, sports | 2 Comments


After so many UFO synchronicities, I need a break. Tonight I was paging through one of the best books that Readers’ Digest every published – Mysteries of the Unexplained – and found a short, startling synchronicity involving numbers. Arthur Koestler,received … Continue reading

Posted in Numbers | 4 Comments

Hawaii 808

Here’s a synchronicity we received from Blayne, who lives in the state of Washington, but would like to live at least part-time in Hawaii.*** I live about 15 miles from work. Its a beautiful drive, part of it next to … Continue reading

Posted in c2, connections to places, emotions, Numbers | 6 Comments

#23 Anyone?

Since we’ve covered the #33 twice here, it’s time to take a look at the mysterious synchronicities related to #23, especially since it’s the 23rd. The late Robert Anton Wilson wrote this article on the #23 phenomena in 1977 for … Continue reading

Posted in #23, Numbers | 5 Comments

Lucky 33

When NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick won at Bristol Motor Speedway Saturday, the feat was accompanied by the number 33. Harvick mastered the half-mile oval track with steep inclines in the heart of the Tennessee mountains in car #33. He is … Continue reading

Posted in #33, Numbers | 2 Comments

#33, Retreat

The next story is another example of a cluster synchronicity involving the repetition of a number, similar to the story about Maria and the number 14. Some years ago, we flew out to California and noticed that the number 33 … Continue reading

Posted in #33, Numbers | 2 Comments

James Dean

Dale Dassell sent an e-mail this evening wondering if the following story about James Dean qualified as synchronicity. The answer is yes–it’s a case of precognition, an aspect of synchronicity. During filming of Rebel Without a Cause, Dean traded in … Continue reading

Posted in celebrities, death, Numbers | Tagged | 4 Comments

Harrison Ford synchronicity

This one is from Terri Patrick, another blogger: My husband Ed, had his private pilot license for about ten years when he decided to get his tail-dragger endorsement. Imagine the type of airplanes used in old movies, where the tail … Continue reading

Posted in celebrities, harrison ford, Numbers | 2 Comments

Wolfgang Pauli and 137

Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist and Nobel laureate, was an early supporter of Jung’s theory on synchronicity and investigated the phenomenon as well. He had a rather striking experience with a set of numbers. Pauli was confounded by one of the … Continue reading

Posted in 137, Numbers | Tagged | 1 Comment

Maria and #14

Clusters of synchronicities that occur with numbers range from the odd to the truly strange. They can coalesce around a single event or continue over the course of a lifetime. In Maria’s story, the number 14 recurred four times over … Continue reading

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