Category Archives: travel

Wilkes and Stupid and Gone with the Wind

Cluster synchronicities involve the repetition of names, numbers, and objects, usually within a short period of time. We’ve posted quite a few that deal with number clusters (11s are popular) and with names. We particularly enjoyed this cluster synchro from … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, names, travel | 21 Comments

Synchros from Bali

The moment, we asked for travel synchronicities, we started receiving them! This one is from healing mudras, a Reiki healer, whose synchronicities we have posted before. The first story of hers we posted was Bangkok Odds. She’s a European expat … Continue reading

Posted in Bali, mudras, travel | 11 Comments

Those 11s Again!

Jung considered numbers to be archetypes. In his scheme of things, repeated synchronicities involving the same numbers suggests those numbers have become active in your psyche. With that in mind, here’s another synchronicity involving 11:11.  We’ve done several posts on … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, India, travel | 20 Comments

Another Doppelganger

Some people seem to have a knack for experiencing  certain kinds of synchronicities – clusters of names or numbers, for instance. Or hearing a tune on the radio or a voice on TV saying something that answers a question or … Continue reading

Posted in doppelgangers, parallel selves, travel | 9 Comments

Books and Writers

   One of the first synchronicities we posted on this blog, on February 4, 2009,  concerned travel, books, and writers. Back then, we were casting around for patterns that manifest themselves through synchronicity, drawing heavily on our own experiences, and … Continue reading

Posted in fevered, law of attraction, travel | 21 Comments

Subway Angel

Synchronicities that occur in the course of our daily lives usually cause us to sit up and take notice. Some of them are one-time deals. But others, like this one, recur over time, almost as if to complete something.We’ve posted … Continue reading

Posted in angels, subways, travel | 21 Comments

Air tragedy linked to past

Whenever there’s a tragedy that gains worldwide attention, there’s usually synchronicity related to it. That is certainly the case of the crash of a Polish jet in Russia last Saturday. As you’ve probably heard, Poland lost its president, top military … Continue reading

Posted in global, travel | 11 Comments

Johnny B. Good in my e-mail…Yikes!

 He-e-e-r-r-e-e-‘s Johnny! You might recall the post on Feb. 4 about Johnny B. Goode, the West Palm Beach fellow who keeps getting arrested for minor public annoyances. We mentioned him again in March when we wrote about Robin Hood, another … Continue reading

Posted in cars, Portugal, travel | 14 Comments

Dead Man’s Curve

 This photo of a dead man’s curve is in Bolivia, but the  next synchronicity is about similar dangerous curve in Georgia. After reading A Trucker’s Tale, Connie Cannon sent us  the following story. +++ Our friends were “Joan and Dave”, (pseudonyms), … Continue reading

Posted in car accidents, travel | 11 Comments

A Trucker’s Tale – Redux

Some of you might recall a post from last July called,  A Trucker’s Tale,  in which Jim Banholzer  told a puzzling story about how his truck has broken down at the exact same rural location three times over a 15-year … Continue reading

Posted in bermuda triangle, travel, trucks | 11 Comments