Category Archives: yoga

Bearly yoga

We’ve been waiting for a chance to post this little bear photo for some time. It seems appropriate after the little ditty about Simba the cat. Keeping in line with the Simba post, we should ask: Do little bears normally … Continue reading

Posted in bears, ghosts, yoga | 4 Comments

Yoga synchronicity

Last week, I took two yoga classes from different teachers in different cities. During the Wednesday class, the teacher led the students (or some of us) in an advanced two-posture sequence. The first posture was a variation of the side … Continue reading

Posted in sports, yoga | 1 Comment


Adele Aldridge is an artist and Internet entrepreneur who designs T-shirts that combine yoga postures and astrological signs. As she explains here, she was surprised to discover that someone actually teaches Astro-Yoga. And how appropriate to make that discovery on … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, divination, I Ching, yoga | 2 Comments

Madison Avenue

No astonishing, mind-blowing synchronicities–like the Blue Dog tale–came our way today. But, nevertheless, being aware of synchronicities seems to attract them. For instance, this afternoon I opened an e-mail from my friend Madison just as a five-year-old neighbor girl walked … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, names, places, yoga | 3 Comments

A taxing synchronicity

Today I started putting together all of our tax documents. Since we pay such things as foreign taxes on books sold overseas, it’s complicated and I just organize it and hand it all to our accountant. But this morning, there … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, taxes, yoga | Leave a comment