Category Archives: divination

The I Ching’s Take on the Gulf Debacle

Carl Jung wrote the introduction to the Richard Wilhelm edition of the I Ching in 1949. It was where he first addressed the concept of synchronicity. The hexagram, the basis of the I Ching, is – according to Jung – … Continue reading

Posted in divination, gulf, I Ching | 17 Comments

The Tarot Speaks

Technically, this post is synchronicity because Jung considered divination to fall under it. I don’t know if he was thinking specifically about the tarot when he made that decision, but since he wrote the intro to Wilhelm’s edition to the … Continue reading

Posted in divination, oil spill, tarot | 28 Comments

Dowsing for Answers

In western Zambia, a team of technicians is working with the local people to give them access to a precious commodity: water. These experts aren’t scientists or linguists. They’re dowsers. David Dixon and his team have been traveling to Zambia … Continue reading

Posted in divination, dowsing | 11 Comments

Astronomical Odds

I’ve known about Michel Gauquelin’s research, but until now I’d never thought of it as a synchronicity. This shows that astrology and all forms of divination actually are subsets of synchronicity. (Jung said that.)*** French Statistician Michel Gauquelin set out … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, divination | 18 Comments

Deadly Subject

Hexagram 42 Some of you have noted that we’ve had a lot of synchronicities here related to death. It’s a subject many of us find uncomfortable. Adele Aldridge is one of those persons, and so she has asked the I … Continue reading

Posted in death, divination, I Ching | 4 Comments

Hexagram 39

Rob, now on crutches and in a cast, asked the I Ching about the meaning of his broken foot. He received Hexagram 57, Proceeding Humbly, with two changing lines that resulted in a second Hexagram – 39, Obstruction. The Wilhelm … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, divination, foot, I Ching | 10 Comments

Hexagram 51

For anyone familiar with the I Ching, the hexagrams you throw are sometimes eerily literal. Such was the case for Kysha Jackson, a sales rep who lives in West LA. On May 15,Kysha was using an online site for the … Continue reading

Posted in divination, earthquakes, hex51, I Ching | 4 Comments

The Empress

Some years ago when we lived in Boynton Beach, Florida, a group of us were sitting around the kitchen table, pulling tarot cards at random. A neighbor, Jeri, stopped by with her five-year-old son, saw the cards, and immediately pulled … Continue reading

Posted in c7, divination, pregnancy, tarot | Leave a comment

The I Ching meets e-mail

Here’s another I Ching synchronicity from Adele. She has contributed several synchronicities to this blog. *** This is an I Ching and Internet experience of Synchronicity. About two years ago I was in the process of writing a book proposal … Continue reading

Posted in divination, dreams, I Ching | 1 Comment

Petrarch’s view

Here’s a synchronicity that was a key factor in the life of an important figure who played a starring role in history at the outset of the Renaissance. Petrarch 1304-1374, an Italian scholar and poet, is known as the father … Continue reading

Posted in books, divination, historical, Petrach | 2 Comments