Category Archives: AUTEC


We’ll be doing an Australian  radio show at mysterious universe tonight (3-18) at 6 PM Eastern. It doesn’t appear to be live, but they archive their shows. Hope you’ll join us – during or after! +++ Recently, our blogging friend … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, synchronicity | 8 Comments

Bermuda Triangle Redux

A torpedo retriever boat Since Mercury is retrograde until Aug. 8, it’s a good time to review matters from the past, which is preferable to starting something new or signing contracts. So, with that in mind, I decided to work … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, synchronicity | 18 Comments

Passport, please

While getting our daughter set up in college for the year earlier last week, we stopped at an outdoor club in Sarasota one night to listen to some music. The outing, it turned out, elicited a couple of synchronicities. The … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, passports, travel | 9 Comments

Update Underwater Area 51

Another view of AUTEC A week or ten days ago, we got a Google alert for AUTEC that led to a blog by an intern at the facility. The young woman, a college student from a university in Florida, had … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, blogs | 11 Comments

A Little Grrrr

Hmm. Life in TV world. Rob’s 90 minute-interview ended up on the cutting room floor. But, in all fairness, we got a free trip to Andros, terrific pics of AUTEC, met some cool people, had some weird experiences, made some … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, TV | 5 Comments

Bangers and Mash

Dave Malcolm, a former employee at the secret navy base AUTEC, who will be on the History Channel with Rob this evening, offers this synchronicity about an ethnic meal.*** I travel frequently for business but very seldom receive an invitation … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, food | Tagged | Leave a comment

Underwater Area 51

We’ve posted several stories about synchronicities involving Rob’s appearance on the History Channel’s UFO Hunters, for an episode involving AUTEC, the Navy’s equivalent of Area 51. The episode that was filmed on Andros Island in the Bahamas in early April … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov, UFOs | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Update 2 on AUTEC

Bruce Gernan, co-author of The Fog and our pilot on the trip to Andros, called this afternoon to say he’d read the blog post about the trip and that we might want to update it. “I didn’t want to make … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | 5 Comments

Secret Base Update

In a post called Secret Base (March 24), we mentioned AUTEC. We’ve added a photo we took of it over the weekend. The place definitely exists, everyone on Andros seems to know about it, but when pressed for details, few … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | Tagged | 2 Comments

Rainbows and Fog

Here’s one related to our recent trip to Andros Island in The Bahamas in which Rob was interviewed for the History Channel’s UFO Hunter program. We flew to Andros with Rob’s co-author of THE FOG, Bruce Gernon and his wife, … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | Leave a comment