Category Archives: astrology


  The big guy is Earth, the little guy is Pluto +++ It’s the little planet that swirls at the edge of the solar system, the one that astronomers have dissed and demoted so it’s no longer a planet in … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, synchronicity | 28 Comments

The 13th Sign, Part 2

 Okay, so who is this figure Ophiuchus?  Well, it’s the only astrological sign based on a real person – Asclepius. To the ancient Greeks in 27 BC, he was regarded as a healer, and in the Roman pantheon, he was … Continue reading

Posted in 13th Sign, astrology, Ophiuchus | 24 Comments

Mercury Retrograde Alert

Think of Mercury as the trickster. This little planet rules travel, conscious thought, communication, books, writing,  computers, facts, education, and a whole host of other things – lungs, liars, nerves, language, even keys. Three times a year, it turns retrograde … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, mercury retro | 25 Comments

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. In mythology, it’s associated with Hermes, the winged messenger of the gods, of commerce, trade, and travel. In astrology, Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, and governs communication, travel, education. … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, mercury retro | 23 Comments

Cardinal Cross

In astrology, cardinal signs are about action, doing, movement, forward thrust. Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Those are the cardinal signs. Aries, a fire sign, reads like the Star Trek motto – going where no man has gone before- and follows … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, cardinal cross | 21 Comments

The Power of Pluto

On January 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled two precedents about the First Amendment rights of corporations and said the government may not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections. The repercussions of this ruling? According to the … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, economy, Pluto, supreme court | 10 Comments

Void of Course Moon

  In the Jungian scheme of things, divination systems – I Ching, tarot, astrology to name the most common – fall under the giant umbrella of synchronicity. When you toss coins, lay out cards, study transits you’re actively engaging synchronicity. … Continue reading

Posted in 2000 election, astrology | 11 Comments

Astrological Synchronicity

 We don’t receive too many synchronicities related to astrology, but Dale Dassell sent us a good one. It’s especially interesting, since it deals with a daily sun sign horoscope from a newspaper. These little ditties are very general, hardly specific … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, bowling, Capricorn | 6 Comments

Mercury Retrograde and Writers

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the winged messenger, the god of trade, commerce, profit. In Greek mythology, his counterpart is Hermes, messenger of the gods, the guy with the winged sandals who is associated with travel, orators, thieves, poets and … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, Mercury, retrogrades, St. Augustine, writers | 14 Comments

Astronomical Odds

I’ve known about Michel Gauquelin’s research, but until now I’d never thought of it as a synchronicity. This shows that astrology and all forms of divination actually are subsets of synchronicity. (Jung said that.)*** French Statistician Michel Gauquelin set out … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, divination | 18 Comments