Category Archives: spirit contact

The Mysterious Connection with Christy Luna

In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we wrote about an empath and friend, Renie Wiley, who sometimes worked with police on various cases, using her empathic abilities to provide information that the police couldn’t obtain any other way.  One night in … Continue reading

Posted in christie luna, clusters, dennie, psychics, renie, spirit contact | 19 Comments

Sylvester, Darren, and Peter Gabriel

 On November 22, we posted a story called Doolittle, that got some great comments. One of them came from Darren, who comments as Brizdaz. The cat in the story is a black and white cat; we didn’t have a picture … Continue reading

Posted in cats, pets, spirit contact | 12 Comments

More Phoenix and Spirit Contact

We’ve done two posts on the phoenix recently. The first was on the Republican win in Congress, the way the party rose from the ashes. The second post was about the numbers of hits we’ve been getting where the search … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, phoenix, spirit contact | 20 Comments


With this new book, we’ve divided the chapters according to our interests and expertise, and then trade chapters and edit and add to each other’s stuff. We haven’t reached the trade chapters segment of this process yet. Right now, I, … Continue reading

Posted in cats, reincarnation, spirit contact | 33 Comments

Mary and Debra

 Matisse’s The Dream  It’s always a treat to post one of D Page’s synchros from her fascinating blog, mythic musings. We ran across this one and asked if we could repost it. It beautifully illustrates that our connections with loved … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, spirit contact | 10 Comments

John and the Wild Parrots

Daz, who comments frequently here, left this synchronicity under a post with dozens of comments. We didn’t want it to get lost, so we’ve made it a separate post. There’s a synchronicity on our end, too, with this story. A … Continue reading

Posted in parrots, spirit contact | 29 Comments

When the Synchros Catch You Offguard

The other day I drove about ten miles south to get my hair cut by the woman who has been cutting my hair for, oh, about 20 years. I was asking for a synchro, you know, in a general sense. … Continue reading

Posted in local travel, past life, spirit contact | 15 Comments

Love from the Other Side

Natalie Thomas had this one of her blog, Spirit of Magenta. It encompasses familiar themes with synchronicity, spirit contact, and how this stuff crops up in our daily lives.+++So sometimes, it is the little things which alert you to spirit … Continue reading

Posted in love, spirit contact | 13 Comments

Karen and Rick and Afterward

 First, I confess to having taken this image from Gypsy’s blog. (Thank you, Gypsy.) It struck me as the perfect image for this story. Our post on September 29, Ghosts as Tricksters, resulted in some amazing comments and reactions. This … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact | 26 Comments

Psychokinesis and the Super Psychics

While researching psychokinesis and spirit communication, I pulled a book off our shelves that I had forgotten about: Parapsychology: the Controversial Science, by Richard S. Broughton. Psychokinesis – the ability to influence material objects through nothing but thought (think Uri … Continue reading

Posted in psychockinesis, spirit contact | 19 Comments