Category Archives: clusters

The Mysterious Connection with Christy Luna

In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we wrote about an empath and friend, Renie Wiley, who sometimes worked with police on various cases, using her empathic abilities to provide information that the police couldn’t obtain any other way.  One night in … Continue reading

Posted in christie luna, clusters, dennie, psychics, renie, spirit contact | 19 Comments

More Phoenix and Spirit Contact

We’ve done two posts on the phoenix recently. The first was on the Republican win in Congress, the way the party rose from the ashes. The second post was about the numbers of hits we’ve been getting where the search … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, phoenix, spirit contact | 20 Comments

Sydney Synchros

(Unfortunately, synchronicity is misspelled in this image!) Here’s a couple of synchronicities that came to us from DAZ in Australia, who experienced the synchros while reading our book. Again, this is an example of the first secret of synchronicity. When … Continue reading

Posted in 1st secret, clusters, names | 15 Comments

The Lottery and the Circus

 In between rewrites, I blog surf. Today, I dropped by Clarity’s blog. We posted one of her synchros recently.I like this synchronicity for its layers, and for Clarity’s utter,well,clarity, about  what was coming up. I also like it because it … Continue reading

Posted in circuses, clusters, family, lottery | 8 Comments

Numbers in the Sky

 This story, about synchronistic clusters of numbers, was sent to us in an email by Stephanie.We’ve seen words written in the sky by a skywriting plane, but numbers? This one is the first we’ve heard of.+++ Hello Trish and Rob, … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, Numbers | 26 Comments

Clusters from space

In 7 Secrets, we devote an entire chapter to clusters – numbers, names, words, objects, symbols. We recently wrote about clusters involving figs, which was pretty unusual. But now comes something even more bizarre – clusters of meteorites repeatedly striking … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, meteorites | 8 Comments

Go Fig-ure

                                                                      Our July 12 post, The Numinous Quality of Clusters, received some of the strangest comments about people’s experiences with clusters. It’s the fifth secret in our book and states: Synchronicity manifests itself in clusters of numbers, names, objects, words, … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, figs, spirit contact | 22 Comments

About the 3:33 in the July 11 Eclipse

                                M.C. Escher’s Three Worlds On July 11, we put up a post about the solar eclipse in Cancer that occurred at 3:33 EDT. Solar eclipses trigger external events, which was certainly the case for Connie Cannon. But her experiences … Continue reading

Posted in 3s, clusters, solar eclipse | 6 Comments

The Numinous Quality of Clusters

from soul  cards The word “clusters” conjures various images: clusters of stars, grapes, leaves, people, experiences. But synchronicities often occur in clusters – notably in numbers or the repetition of names, phrases, songs, objects. We’ve posted quite a few synchros … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, independent discoveries | 21 Comments

The Ghost and the Straight Pins

        Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine, Fl  For Carl Jung, spirit contact fell under the larger umbrella of synchronicity. Jung had several experiences himself with spirits, which he recounts in his autobiography. I’ve always wondered, though, what he would … Continue reading

Posted in apports, clusters, spirit contact, St. Augustine, travel | 16 Comments