Category Archives: UFOs

The Abduction

                                        from CJ posted this as a comment and we were afraid it would get buried, so we deleted it as a comment and are posting it. The story is harrowing. As she says, “My Synchro blog friends, I’m … Continue reading

Posted in abductions, cj, UFOs | 110 Comments

Over the Delaware/Pennsylvania Border

Given Gypsy’s vivid description of a craft she saw and sketched, a story we posted on October 8, here’s an intriguing you tube video about sightings on the Delaware/Pennsylvania border. Gypsy was living in Delaware at the time of this … Continue reading

Posted in delaware, UFOs | 20 Comments

The Lights in El Paso, Manhattan, and Portland

This video, shot by a cameraman with channel 9 news in El Paso, is fascinating. It’s also similar to lights that appeared in Manhattan several days ago, in broad daylight. Watch the whole thing. They show the Manhattan lights. Now … Continue reading

Posted in sightings, UFOs | 55 Comments

The Ship

This story comes from Gypsy, whose synchros we’ve posted before. This experience occurred on September 8 or 9 and is intriguing for several reasons, as you’ll see. Even though UFOs probably aren’t synchronicities, Jung considered them to be archetypes.But perhaps … Continue reading

Posted in sightings, UFOs | 96 Comments

Fear and Loathing and Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a kind of twilight zone of magic. It’s the border where our inner and outer worlds meet, the language of the unconscious. It’s certainly not something to be feared. In fact, the more frequently you experience it, the … Continue reading

Posted in reality, synchros, UFOs | 30 Comments

The Event

Meet cutie Jason Ritter (Sean Walker), whose girlfriend has disappeared from the cruise ship they’ve been on. There’s not even a record that she was ever there. Or that he and his girlfriend even had a room on this ship. … Continue reading

Posted in disclosure, TV, UFOs | 14 Comments

Michio Kaku and UFOs

Michio Kaku certainly doesn’t fit any clear-cut role. He’s a bestselling author, theoretical physicist, professor at City College of New York, co-creator of string field theory, host of Sci-fi Science  on the Science channel, and probably a bunch of other … Continue reading

Posted in michio kaku, UFOs | 14 Comments


Our daily newspaper rarely has anything about UFOs.  But  on July 7 there was a short piece about UFO disclosure. Apparently an Italian member of the European parliament, Mario Borghezio, urged member countries to open their secret files on UFOs. … Continue reading

Posted in disclosure, UFOs | 15 Comments

Saucer Smear Syncho

Click the mysterious box On July 28, a call came to the house in the evening. The name on the caller ID said Moseley Industries. I answered guessing correctly that it was Jim Moseley, a long-time acquaintance and editor of  … Continue reading

Posted in saucer smear, UFOs | 5 Comments

UFO in China Closes Airport

On July 7, a UFO over China shut down Hangzhou airport and 18 flights were diverted. Normal operations resumed an hour later, but no explanation was offered. People living near the airport snapped photos, like the one depicted above. On … Continue reading

Posted in china, UFOs | 16 Comments