Category Archives: death

Wrong Time, Wrong Place

On August 9, we posted a couple of synchronicites about people who have repeat experiences in the same time and place as their relatives or friends had months or years before. Sometimes, these synchronicities are clearly serial tricksters. But other … Continue reading

Posted in death, families, serial trickster, trucks | 3 Comments

End of the Road

Death is the ultimate journey, the ultimate transition, the end of the road. So it’s not surprising that it’s a fertile ground for the occurrence of synchronicity. In The Waking Dream, author Ray Grasse has collected a number of them. … Continue reading

Posted in death, Jung, Ray Grasse | 14 Comments

Fatal Attraction

We’ve talked about deaths coming in threes, and here’s another example. This time though it’s not celebrities, but employees of Disney World, and one of them played Indiana Jones.+++ ORLANDO, Fla. — A 30-year-old performer at Disney World is dead … Continue reading

Posted in #3, death, disney world | 6 Comments

Deadly Subject

Hexagram 42 Some of you have noted that we’ve had a lot of synchronicities here related to death. It’s a subject many of us find uncomfortable. Adele Aldridge is one of those persons, and so she has asked the I … Continue reading

Posted in death, divination, I Ching | 4 Comments

Sad Celebrity Synchronicity

Here’s one of those historical synchronicities that we happened to come upon. This one parallels the Christopher Reeves synchronicity, even those though it doesn’t directly involve either well known actor. *** In 1973 British actress Julie Christie starred in the … Continue reading

Posted in celebrity, creativity, death, movies, parallels | 11 Comments

The Church Choir

This story was first reported in Life Magazine, 1950, and we recently ran across it in Robert H. Hopcke’s There Are No Accidents. It’s a stunning example of…well, you’ll see.***A church choir in Beatrice, Nebraska was due to practice at … Continue reading

Posted in avoiding death, death, miracles | 11 Comments

Final Destination Update

R.I.P. Around 6:15, CNN announced that Jackson had passed away. So the loop of three comes around again. Update to Final Destination: Ed McMahon died several days ago, Farrah Fawcett died today. We’ve been discussing how these celebrity deaths seem … Continue reading

Posted in #3, clusters, death | 14 Comments

Twin Deaths

Another story about twins and their inter-connected lives.*** In 2002, seventy-year-old twin brothers died within hours of one anotherafter separate accidents on the same road in northern Finland. The firstof the twins died when he was hit by a lorry … Continue reading

Posted in c7, death, twins | 6 Comments

Final Destination

David Malcolm – whose synchronicities we have used several time on this blog – alerted us to this story. It’s one of those bizarre and tragic synchronicities. Maybe the message is that you can’t cheat death. On June 1, Air … Continue reading

Posted in death, travel | 22 Comments

Jung and the ‘Sympathy of All Things’

In Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, he relates a story about an apparently telepathic connection to a patient he had been treating. He had gone out to deliver a lecture, then returned to his hotel around midnight, but had … Continue reading

Posted in c3, death, Jung, suicide, telepathy | 11 Comments