Category Archives: global

Blanche Lincoln’s Synchro

This is one of those curious global synchros that so often occur in politics. It concerns the Democratic senator from Arkansas. Some background on this woman. She’s been a senator since  2003. Before that, she served in the House of … Continue reading

Posted in blanche lincoln, global, politics | 13 Comments

Oil Spill

aerial view of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico +++When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective – as people of the same country, continent, world. The oil spill in … Continue reading

Posted in BP, global, oil spill | 25 Comments

Air tragedy linked to past

Whenever there’s a tragedy that gains worldwide attention, there’s usually synchronicity related to it. That is certainly the case of the crash of a Polish jet in Russia last Saturday. As you’ve probably heard, Poland lost its president, top military … Continue reading

Posted in global, travel | 11 Comments

Apollo 13

  Butternut Squash was doing homework with her son and ran across this amazing synchronicity  concerning Apollo 13. She says she must be the last person on the planet to hear about it, but we’d never heard it, either! It’s … Continue reading

Posted in #13, apollo 13, global, spacecraft | 16 Comments

Global Synchronicities- Flight 1549

    Global synchronicities are when the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective – as a people, a community, a nation, as citizens of the same planet.  Given the eight years of George Bush’s controversial presidency, it … Continue reading

Posted in global, hudson river, plane crash | 26 Comments

Baby Ka-boom

The Associated Press in an article a couple of months ago asked: Did America’s moms and dads and potential parents see the meltdown coming before the economists? According to census figures, just before the earliest stages of the recession, there … Continue reading

Posted in drop in births, economy, global | 15 Comments

Hitler and Synchronicity

Okay, this one goes to the heart of the question of the deeper roots of synchronicity. Most people agree, of course, that what happened in Nazi Germany was horrific, the gassing of millions of innocents as the epitome of evil. … Continue reading

Posted in global, history, Hitler, war | 7 Comments

Neda – The Divine Calling

Most of us have seen the demonstrations and the violence in the last few days in Iran as the masses rebel against the government, the status quo, and the highly questionable election results. Yesterday, I mentioned to Trish that we … Continue reading

Posted in global, names | 7 Comments

Last Titanic Survivor Dies

Elizabeth Gladys ‘Millvina’ Dean, born Feb. 2, 1912, was two months old when she left on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. She died Sunday on the ninety-eighth anniversary of the launching of the ill-fated vessel that was billed as … Continue reading

Posted in c5, global, mass, titanic | 12 Comments

World on Fire

Aztec greenstone mask of Quetzalcoatl We recently bought Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl. We both had read his previous book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. Rob read the 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in 911, c2, global, writers | 7 Comments